Sponsored Posts Guidelines

Make sure you are following the Guest/ Sponsored Post Guidelines below:

Note: In compliance with FTC standards, all sponsored postings will state that they are sponsored. Typically, the piece will end with a byline stating, “This blog post was sponsored by (Name).”

Note: Only Tech-related articles (e.g.; How-To Guides, Alternatives, X Best Apps, App reviews, and more).

1. No Keyword Stuffing.
2. Make sure you add Title, URL, and Focus Keyword in the Document.
3. Write SEO Optimized article, place keywords in H1, H2, and where needed.
4. You cannot republish the article elsewhere, if found the article will get deleted instantly without any notice/warning.
5. Copyright-free image sent separately in PNG or jpeg/jpg format.
6. Minimum of 1000 Words (We reserve the right to edit your post to correct grammar, spelling, and formatting mistakes)
7. Non-plagiarized Content.
8. Language; Both US & UK English accepted.
9. Maximum of 2 “No-follow” links (As per Google’s guidelines)
10. No link to illegal sites like Gambling/ Earn Money Online, Betting, Marijuana, and any other sites like that.
11. Please refrain from requesting custom links and anchor texts for keywords. This is a clear violation of our policies.

Updated: 20 Jan 2023 (20:15 IST)

Note: If your product or service violates any copyright or patent, we retain the right to remove the sponsored content and take further action.

Here are a few examples of Sponsored posts for your reference. If you have any questions. Feel free to write back at contact@techycoder.com
