Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash
Tech giant Google is offering cash prizes directly into your bank account with the offer of Google Pay Diwali Scanner.
Collect all the 5 stamps and earn ₹251 and a Diwali Bonus ticket that could win you ₹1 lakh in a lucky draw.
There are 5 different stamps available and three methods to collect them all!
You can only collect 1 stamp/ unique Google Pay daily.
This offer is available on all devices.
Here, I’ll tell you a method by which you can get all the Diwali stamps quickly, As you can scan different Diwali objects like Diya, rangoli, and flower with it. Search for Diya Images, or rangoli on your other phones and then scan it with the phone on which you have Google Pay. This way, you can get 5 scans completed daily and a chance to get the most awaited Rangoli and Flowers DIWALI STAMPS.
If you cannot see the stamp collection feature on your Google Pay Rewards channel, please update your app to the latest version via Google PlayStore.
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